15 Days 14 Night
In Sri Lankan environment there are 245 colorful species of butterflies. Among them 23 of them you would not see anywhere else in this earth. Out of this 245 species, 76 are listed as threatened nationally. This beautiful insects are belongs to 06 families (Papilionidae (15), Pieridge (27), Nymphalidae (69), Lycaenidae (86), Hesperiidae (46), Riodinidae (1)). The majority of species are found in the foothills (up to 3,000 feet elevation). A much smaller number of species are found above 4,000 feet while 20 species of butterfly are restricted to the low lying dry zone (below 500 feet elevation. The number of butterflies peaks in two seasons during the year. The first of these is during the Southwestern monsoon in the months of March to April. The second is during the Northeastern monsoon which continues from September to October. In these two seasons you can have the chance to see large number of various colorful species of butterflies.